Collectors are usually those who seek antique model trains, unique coins and Elvis memorabilia. I on the other hand, am a collector of vintage gloves and pretty lingerie.
It's fair to say that gloves you can go without, but lingerie is for most (or so you would hope) a necessity. For me however, it is more so an obsession. My obsession has been fuelled lately by the recent trending towards exposing undergarments as outerwear
For me, this trend is what I will be living and breathing this season.
Corsets over tees and a subtle exposure of a lace bra peeking out from beneath a slouchy Alexander Wang jersey tee, sends my heart a flutter(and I'm sure it doesn't sit too badly with our male counterparts either).
My favourite items? My Sass and Bide for Lovable ruffle crop top, my tie-die Zimmerman bra and my mesh faux denim bodysuit...pulled (perhaps a little too aggressively) from a sale rack in Topshop when I was holidaying in London late last year.
So if like me, you are a fan of undergarments as outerwear, may I suggest we rejoice, and refrain from burning our bras. Instead let's expose them for what they really are....mostly sheer, lace pieces of exquisite beauty.
It's fair to say that gloves you can go without, but lingerie is for most (or so you would hope) a necessity. For me however, it is more so an obsession. My obsession has been fuelled lately by the recent trending towards exposing undergarments as outerwear
For me, this trend is what I will be living and breathing this season.
Corsets over tees and a subtle exposure of a lace bra peeking out from beneath a slouchy Alexander Wang jersey tee, sends my heart a flutter(and I'm sure it doesn't sit too badly with our male counterparts either).
My favourite items? My Sass and Bide for Lovable ruffle crop top, my tie-die Zimmerman bra and my mesh faux denim bodysuit...pulled (perhaps a little too aggressively) from a sale rack in Topshop when I was holidaying in London late last year.
So if like me, you are a fan of undergarments as outerwear, may I suggest we rejoice, and refrain from burning our bras. Instead let's expose them for what they really are....mostly sheer, lace pieces of exquisite beauty.